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  • Writer's pictureMichael A Barry

The Culloden Estate & Spa

The established 5* hotel property of the Hastings Group. The visit to the Crozier Lounge between 18:15 PM to 19:17 PM on Friday 8th December 2017.

The 'Compromise and Complacency' as observed to the visual Work Environments and the guest service etiquette of the Personnel:

- The first Irish Coffee ordered is served with 'no accompanying teaspoon', however the second Irish Coffee is served with the correct teaspoon etiquette ?

- The staff member providing the guest service during my 1 hour tenure within the Crozier Lounge, Mr Samuel Denning, is observed openly 'Chewing Gum' during his work duties in full view of the guest areas throughout the lounge environment. Conversing with Mr Denning, he has been in the employ at the Culloden Hotel for 6 months, and prior to this, a duration of 12 years within the Hastings Group. Mr Samuel Denning is the Bar Manager at the Culloden Hotel ?

- Observed both Managerial and Supervisory level personnel on duty with either their 'suit or uniform jackets unbuttoned'. This visual anomaly permeates the hotel personnel, and included the General Manager ?

- A service tray is 'not used' when clearing glassware from a recently vacated guest table within the lounge, but instead 'cleared by hand' by the Duty Manager ?

The General Manager on duty, Mr Eoin O'Sullivan is informed of the discrepancies via reception that evening.

The Ownership of The Culloden Estate and Spa, Dr Howard Hastings Managing Director, is informed of the discrepancies on Monday 18th December 2017, 09:04 AM.

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