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  • Writer's pictureMichael A Barry

Exclusive No ! Inclusive Yes ?.....

Exclusive No! Inclusive Yes? Exclusive Household Staff Website Analysis, February 2021

The comments observed initially upon the Google Analytic platform were both favourable and unfavourable in relation to the posts submitted by Candidates of the domestic staff recruitment agency, Exclusive Household Staff (EHS) on Tuesday 2nd February 2021. However, further diligent analysis of the companies Official Website highlights there are clear discrepancies, contradictions and misinformation which permeates the Exclusive Household Staff website pages ?

Mr John Pettman Managing Director and Founder of Exclusive Household Staff, is informed directly via PA Clare Houghton, on Friday 12th February 2021, 17:21 PM.


Exclusive Household Staff

The written summation within the third paragraph of the Company Background page states....."the opportunity to establish a Recruitment Agency specialising in Domestic Staff offering the unique advantage of employing Consultants who, like himself (Mr Pettman), had all experienced working within the private house environment - hence the birth of Exclusive Household Staff". However upon review of The Team page, the analysis highlights this statement to be totally incorrect, as 4 of the Consultants career profiles indicates absolutely No previous private household domestic service experience whatsoever, in any capacity ? This is observed within each of the Consultants career profile links on The Team page.

CLICK UPON the Exclusive Household Staff Link below to view the Company Background page, as presented on the Official Website:


Meet the Exclusive Household Staff team

The 4 Consultants career profiles ascertains No previous employment experience within a private household environment, and thus contradicts the Company Background page statement ?

* Possible recruitment scenario, whereby Candidates with long established private household careers, find themselves more qualified and experienced than the Consultants conducting the interview process ?

CLICK UPON the individual Exclusive Household Staff Links below to view The Team page, as presented on the Official Website:

- Consultant Profile #1

- Consultant Profile #2

- Consultant Profile #3

- Consultant Profile #4

** Mr John Pettman the Founder of Exclusive Household Staff, must be transparent in relation to his Consultants non-private household domestic service experience, and is accountable for the clear misinformation presented upon his Company Background statement ?



Additionally, the statement relating to Client confidentiality observed throughout the Vacancies page, is extremely vague to say the least, as every domestic staff job advertised is Client confidential ? In this regard, the Candidates expectations should be seen as important as the expectations of potential Clients !

CLICK UPON the Exclusive Household Staff Link below to view the Vacancies page, as presented on the Official Website:

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