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The Parennefer Principal

Writer's picture: Michael  A  BarryMichael A Barry

The ancient Egyptian noble Parennefer was the close advisor to the Pharaoh Akhenaten before he came to the throne, and in later times served as his 'Royal Butler', an office which brought him into intimate contact with the Pharaoh. The titles Parennefer attained included 'The King's Cup Bearer', 'Washer Of The King's Hands', 'Chief Craftsman' and 'Overseer Of All The Works In The Mansion'. Parennefer was instrumental in imposing the Amarna lifestyle within the Court of the Pharaoh, in the arts and to architecture during the reign of Akhenaten.

Akhenaten was an ancient Egyptian Pharaoh of the 18th Dynasty who ruled for 17 years, 1351-1334 BC. Throughout his reign Akhenaten tried to change many aspects of the ancient Egyptian culture, especially the style and perception of art. The 'Amarna Style' was a significant and unforeseen break from all its traditional predecessors, as characterised by a 'Sense of Movement and Activity' portrayed throughout the Impressive reliefs, paintings and sculptured images.

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